With so many

Temporary & permenant

dental jobs available

it is easy to work when & where you like!

Looking for a new healthcare job in the dental or medical industry? Use Stynt to search, apply and get hired for temporary and permanent jobs posted by thousands of dental and medical practices nationwide.

Stynt Employee Benefits

Employer Paid Taxes

Malpractice Insurance

Workers’ Compensation

Paid Time Off

Health Benefits

Liability Insurance

Why work through stynt?

Set your Own Schedule

With Stynt, you choose when & how often you want to work. Our user friendly app makes finding work on the days you want it easier than ever with convenient filters to deliver the most relevant jobs directly to your phone.

Work at Your Own Rate

Stynt Temporary employees are earning more than 20% over than their full-time counterparts per hour. On Stynt, you always apply to jobs at your own desired hourly rate. If an office chooses to hire you, they are doing so at the rate which you applied.

Get Paid Fast!

When you work through Stynt, you get a direct deposit for the work you do this week next week. No more bi-weekly or monthly paychecks. Get paid for your time weekly.

Our testimonials

What people say about us

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