Take advantage of additional benefits with Stynt Pro

Boost your bottom line for free! Stynt Pro offers lower fees, extended payment terms, free permanent job postings, and forgiven cancellations. Don’t miss out on this chance to maximize your revenue!

The Pro Subscription Difference

Eliminate Connection Fees

Utilize our services and pay no 20% Service Fee on all jobs while your subscription is active!

Recruitment Service Available

We specialize in providing exceptional dental recruiting services by leveraging the latest in technology. Our recruiters go deeper than job boards, guaranteeing the highest quality of candidates and service.

Complimentary Cancellations

We understand that plans change and sometimes, you may need to cancel a job. With Stynt Pro, there are no worries. Your monthly subscription includes up to three free cancellations/month with absolutely no cancellation fee!

Net 7 Day Hour Approval Window

Offices on our pay as you go package have a two-day approval window for temp jobs. That means, they have two business days after someone has worked to review the hours they clocked in and out for and approve those before we bill. Stynt Pro Subscribers get Net 7 Days to approve hours, so the hours for jobs last week can be approved and billed the following week

Select Your Plan

Pay As You Go


Our Standard Plan with Basic Benefits



Our most popular option


Custom Pricing

Custom pricing for group dentistry

Trusted and endorsed across the nation